Wednesday 24 March 2010

Self Portrait

I've been getting quite into Paint Pad. I didn't realise how much I missed drawing. I really wanted to create more like the Beast. These are far more complicated and take a lot more time. I had a real disaster today copying this Iron Man photo. I had spent three hours on it when my phone decided to restart itself. Seriously, I was pissed. Like, FML, emo, wrist-slitting pissed. The save function is pretty annoying on this app so I hadn't been doing it as I went along. It was my favourite piece yet and I was so close to finishing when it crapped out on me. Let that be a lesson to you kids at home: "Always save your work".

Anyway, in the twisted logic that comes from that kind of frustration, I decided that I didn't want to let technology beat me. I needed to finish drawing something. Eventually I settled on doing a self-portait. This is my first ever attempt and admittedly I think it shows. Anyway, judge for yourselves.

Sauce image

My version

Seeing as I saved regularly this time, I was able to build up a slideshow of my progress, which you can view here. It's annoying when you're working, but this is a pretty cool bonus.


  1. All of these are scarily impressive. Granted, coming from someone who finds stick-figures challenging...

  2. Ha, thanks. I think most of them turned out better than I thought. I'm still quite a novice at this, so I didn't expect much.

    Digital art is kinda cheating because it makes the whole process so much easier. I'd most likely never be able to create these on paper.
